Board remains committed to explore become an alternative provider for Childcare Centre

Western Isles NHS Board remains committed to its decision to fully explore becoming an alternative provider, following the UHI Outer Hebrides decision that it could no longer continue the service.

At its Board meeting yesterday (June 28), the NHS Board received an update on the necessary extensive work that has been undertaken and ongoing to support and allow the Board to make an informed decision on becoming the alternative provider. There are many issues that need to be understood and fully in place to allow the Board to take on the Nursery/Childcare provision.

Some of these issues are significant risks that need to be reduced, removed or tolerated.

The undoubted impact of the loss of this service to the community, the impact on recruitment and retention and the risks to service sustainability were reiterated.

The primary issue being addressed at present is whether the NHS Board has the statutory powers to act as a nursery provider. We are working very hard to get the position clarified as soon as possible, and it is fair to say that all other issues hinge on this critical question.

Other issues around regulation, the significant financial subsidy that would need to be provided by the Board, the An Cotan building itself, and staffing required are all issues now well understood.

The Board was also informed that its second more detailed survey of need highlighted an immediate and ongoing need for the 0 to 3 age group but not currently a need for the 3 to 5 age group. The Board understands that the Scottish Government funding associated with the 3 to 5 age group has been reallocated to allow current provision elsewhere.

Our efforts are ongoing on a daily basis to bring an informed and legally acceptable set of options to the Board as soon as possible.

The Board has not stepped back from its pursuit and agreed to hold an extraordinary meeting when all matters were concluded.

The Board is aware of the pressure on parents, families and the An Cotan staff which is at the forefront of its mind and recognises the need for a conclusion at the earliest opportunity.


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