Current Campaigns

Please click below to find out more on current campaigns.

Wellbeing for Wee Ones Campaign

We understand it has been a particularly tough time for everyone over the last while, whether you are a new parent or one with a growing family. Either way, it can be difficult to know whether you’re doing the best thing for your baby. That's why we’ve partnered again with Parent Club to tell you about their Wellbeing for Wee Ones campaign.

Parent Club aims to reassure parents that from day one simple things like singing and chatting help their babies feel happy, loved, and emotionally supported, now and into the future.

The Parent Club ‘Wellbeing for Wee Ones’ campaign hub provides expert advice on easy ways for caregivers to support their baby’s brain development and emotional wellbeing as part of everyday activities, like:

  • read or tell your little one a story.
  • smile at your baby while keeping eye contact.
  • have fun making silly noises.

To find out more about the Wellbeing for Wee Ones campaign and how it can help you to support your wee one’s emotional and social health, visit

Back to School (Sleepio)

Back-to-school season can be a complicated time. Kids are often excited and nervous about going back — not to mention a little sad that summer is over.  A parent’s job is to help their kids adjust. Oh, and it’s also to plan routes to school, buy supplies, and reorganise the family schedule.

It's common to experience poor sleep during this time
Back-to-school season might feel especially tough this year.  Parents are grappling with yet another set of changes to routines, schedules, and emotions, without much time to care for themselves. Even the most on-top-of-it parents can find themselves falling behind on sleep.

Sleepio can help, and it's available at no cost
Sleepio is an online sleep improvement program proven to help you clear your mind and improve your sleep. Sleepio uses cognitive behavioral techniques that are backed by decades of clinical research, and has been shown in studies to help people fall asleep 54% faster and spend 62% less time awake at night.

Click here to try Sleepio and start sleeping better tonight


Good mental health for all!
The Mental Health Foundation has also produced some back to school resources which can be used alongside Sleepio.  To view these visit