
Thank you for helping us put patients first by following our visitors’ code.

We want to create restful time for our patients to help recovery, while respecting your wishes to see your relatives or friends when they are unwell.

This section aims to provide visitors with any information they may need – from ‘Virtual Visiting' to information about hospital visiting times, to information on how to prepare for a stay in hospital as an inpatient. Find out more by clicking on the useful links featured opposite. 


Please do not visit a patient in hospital if you feel unwell or have any COVID-19 symptoms.

COVID contact wards (0 at present):

  • 1 designated visitor for one visit a day for each inpatient (see definition below).
  • Essential visiting for patients who require more frequent visits (see definition below).

Non-COVID Wards

For wards unaffected by COVID-19, visiting hours are 2pm – 8pm and each patient can have two visitors at a time. Visiting slots no longer have to be pre-booked. Visiting slots will remain at 30 minutes. Longer visiting slots will be at the discretion of the nurse in charge of the ward. It is important to remember that people who are unwell in hospital are vulnerable and remain at higher risk from COVID-19 than people who are well. Therefore, masks are still available to any patients who want to wear them, and we still ask everyone to hand sanitize on entry to the hospital and before entering a clinical area.

It is also important that you do not visit if you are feeling unwell.

Exceptions to the above arrangements

We will still need to manage the number of visitors in wards at a time to ensure the safety of patients. Ward staff will be able to advise if we are unable to accommodate a particular visit, and will be able to advise when you can attend.

NHS Western Isles staff will provide the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for visitors depending on the area they are visiting and advice on protective measures (e.g. hand sanitizing and physical distancing). However, visitors should be aware, in particular when visiting COVID positive patients or COVID wards, that they attend at their own risk.

Essential visiting 

Essential Visiting for those inpatients who require more frequent visits out with normal visiting times will be permitted as required, without restrictions on the number of visits or visitors (subject to ward conditions, and in discussion with the nurse in charge of the ward).

Essential visits can be arranged for a range of situations including a birth partner supporting a woman during hospital visits; a person receiving end-of-life care; to support someone with a mental health issue; or dementia, a learning disability or autism where not being present would cause the patient to be distressed; or to accompany a child in hospital.

Designated Visitors

A Designated Visitor is someone chosen by the patient who they would like to be their named visitor. This might be a spouse, next of kin or a friend. It is recommended that this person is also the main link for communication.

The Designated Visitor can be changed if circumstances require. Patients will be asked to identify who is their Designated Visitor.

Visiting out with normal visiting times

Wards may be able to allow visiting out with the agreed visiting times. This will be at the discretion of the nurse in charge of the ward. If additional support is required for a patient, or you wish to assist at mealtimes, you can discuss attending out with normal visiting hours with the nurse in charge of the ward.

The impact of COVID

Please do not visit a patient in hospital if you feel unwell or have any COVID-19 symptoms.

What are the current arrangements for COVID Wards (Erisort) or Wards with a COVID-19 Outbreak:

  • 1 designated visitor for one visit a day for each inpatient (see definition below).
  • Essential visiting for patients who require more frequent visits (see definition below).

COVID contact wards (none at present):

  • 1 designated visitor for one visit a day for each inpatient (see definition below).
  • Essential visiting for patients who require more frequent visits (see definition below).
Checklist before visiting hospital

If you are feeling unwell, you should not attend the hospital (see checklist below). You should contact the Ward Nurse in Charge who will advise the patient that you are unable to attend.

  • Are you feeling unwell, or do you have respiratory symptoms?
  • Do you have a new/continuous cough or breathlessness?
  • Have you had any sickness or diarrhoea within the last 48 hours?
  • Have you noticed a change in your temperature?
  • Have you noticed a change to your normal sense of taste or smell?
  • Are you a close contact of anyone suspected as having, or that has tested positive for coronavirus, in the past 10 days?
Essential points for all visitors
  • Arrive at your allocated visiting slot time at the hospital main entrance.
  • NHS Western Isles Board policy is that you will not be permitted to wear your own face mask or face covering on our hospital premises. You must use the face mask provided on entry to the hospital (unless you are medically exempt). You will be refused entry if you do not adhere to hospital protocol. You must keep your face mask on at all times in the hospital building.
  • Use hand sanitizer on arrival at the hospital and again on arrival at the ward or department. Ensure you use hand sanitizer frequently during the time you are in the ward, especially if you touch anything or anyone.
  • Maintain the recommended physical distance from staff and other inpatients. We would also recommend that you keep a safe physical distance from the patient you are visiting to help protect them from risk – though there are exceptions to this.
  • Do not remove your face mask to have conversations during your visit, and ensure your mask covers both your mouth and nose at all times.
  • You must move directly to the clinical area where the visit is to take place. You must not gather or linger in communal areas of the hospital.
  • Only use toilet facilities provided for members of the public, not patient or staff toilets.
  • If you cough or sneeze, make sure you follow good hygiene practice (cough/sneeze into the crook of your elbow – or into a tissue and dispose of the tissue). You should sanitize your hands again.
  • Only remove your face mask when leaving the hospital. Please follow safe disposal guidance on the removal of your face mask. You must use hand sanitizer at the main exit prior to leaving the hospital, and you should wash your hands when you arrive home.
Alternative Visiting Options

Virtual Visiting – Virtual Visiting continues to be offered and is an alternative option to visiting face-to face. This service is supported by our staff and we would encourage visitors to keep in touch with family, friends and loved ones via virtual visits. If you would like to video call your friend or family member, or for further information, please telephone 01851 704704.

Outdoor or ‘Window’ Visits – Where circumstances allow, our staff are facilitating outdoor visits. Clearly this option is dependent on a number of factors, including the medical condition of the patient and weather conditions.

Frequently asked questions

What is an Essential Visitor?

Essential Visiting describes situations when it is very important for a relative/friend to be allowed to see a patient. Examples of this include:

  • a parent accompanying a child;
  • in maternity settings, partners or birth partners being able to attend ante-natal, clinic or scan appointments with their partner;
  • when someone has reached the end of their life, has an immediately life-threatening illness, when someone is receiving difficult news, or similar situations;
  • when people have an acute mental health issue; or
  • anyone with dementia, autism or learning disabilities.

What if I’m anxious about visiting a hospital setting?

NHS Western Isles offers Virtual Visiting which can be an alternative solution for those who are anxious or may experience other issues e.g.: transport difficulties, work/family commitments, etc. We ask that, where possible, the patient is provided with a laptop/tablet or mobile phone. However, there are range of devices available and Virtual Visiting can be arranged by ward staff.

If you would like to video call your friend or family member, or for further information, please telephone 01851 704704.

What if my relative wants to cuddle or touch me?

We ask, for the safety of your friend/relative, that you keep as safe a distance as possible from them at this time during visits and avoid touch contact as much as possible. We understand and appreciate that this will not always be possible, and in certain circumstances contact is acceptable (e.g. when visiting children or those at end of life).

Please be sensible in decisions on physical distancing with your friend/relative at the current time. When patients are in hospital they are often more susceptible to picking up infections from the community so it is imperative that we work together to protect patients whilst in hospital.

What if my relative wants to walk around with me or go to the hospital dining room?

At the current time we would request that you do not move around different areas of the hospital or try to visit other people in the hospital. The dining room is currently closed to the public.

What if I don’t feel able to visit my relative?

Feeling anxious or nervous about coming into a hospital is a normal response to recent events. Speak to the care team if you are worried and they will be able to advise you.

Further help and information

For further information about visiting contact the Senior Charge Nurse of the ward you intend visiting.

For further information about coronavirus visit NHS Inform website at: www.nhsinform.scot or call NHS 24 on 111.