Liniclate Dental Clinic

Liniclate Dental Clinic in Benbecula will be providing a reduced level of service until further notice, as a result of the recent contamination of water in the area. 

Scottish Water has declared the water fit for the purpose for consumption in homes and has flushed systems. 

However, regrettably, some direct care health equipment requires further work to establish that it is fit to return to service. Dental chairs are an example.

At present, any aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) which cannot be provided via an alternative method other than directly from the Dental chair cannot go ahead. We are working to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

Non aerosol-generating procedures (e.g. exams, dentures, childsmile visits, preventative care advice and extractions) will continue to be provided.

The above measure has been taken in the interests of patient safety and we apologise for any inconvenience. 

An update will be provided as soon as possible.


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