Member appointed to Western Isles Health Board

NHS Western Isles has welcomed yesterday’s announcement by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeane Freeman MSP, that Sheena Wright has been appointed as Non Executive Whistleblowing Champion Member of Western Isles Health Board.

Sheena Wright

Sheena Wright, who was NHS Western Isles' Interim Nurse Director and Chief Operating Officer for a period in 2008 until 2009, spent her working life in a variety of roles within the NHS, social care, higher education and the Scottish Government. She retired in 2018 as Executive Director of Nursing & Care with NHS 24, having previously been Executive Nurse Director in NHS Borders. 

In retirement, Sheena is a volunteer with the Prince’s Trust, an Independent Prison Monitor on behalf of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons and a Panel Practice Advisor with Children’s Hearings Scotland. She has a special interest in supporting the health and wellbeing of communities through the delivery of high-quality services. In her volunteering roles, she is a mentor, advocate and advisor, bringing her extensive experience to support others. 

Sheena is looking forward to re-joining colleagues in NHS Western Isles and contributing to the work of the Board.  

Sheena commented: “I very much enjoyed my time in the Western Isles and am delighted to be joining the Board in my new role as Whistleblowing Champion.” 

Sheena’s appointment will be for four years and runs from March 1 2021 to February 28 2025. 

As Whistleblowing Champion, Sheena will promote a continued culture of openness and transparency, where all staff feel confident to raise any concerns they may have in the knowledge that they will be supported and their concerns properly investigated. Being able to provide assurance that staff are able to raise concerns in an open, honest, and supportive workplace is a hugely worthwhile role. 

Board Chair, Gill McCannon said: “I am delighted to welcome Sheena to our team of Non Executive Directors at Western Isles Health Board. 

“Sheena brings a wealth of experience and knowledge that will support the role of whistle blowing champion. I look forward to working with her.” 


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