NHS Western Isles successful in grant bid for Health Walks

NHS Western Isles’ ‘Walk on Hebrides’ will receive £4,300 this year to improve access to Health Walks across the islands.  

The walking project has been successful in an application to Paths for All’s 2018/19 ‘Walking for Health’ grant. Walk on Hebrides aims to provide Health Walks in communities across the Outer Hebrides, providing people with an opportunity to be physically active and improve their health through walking.

Karen Peteranna, NHS Western Isles Health Improvement Practitioner and Health Walk Coordinator for the Outer Hebrides, said: “We are delighted to have been successful in our application. This will allow us to provide training opportunities in local communities, increase the number of Health Walks available and bring Walk Leaders together, allowing them to learn from and support each other.”

Being physically active can have a positive impact on your physical, mental and social health; reducing your risk of many common conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and some cancers, improving your mood and reducing stress. Walking is a simple way to increase your physical activity; it is low impact, most people can join in, you don’t need special equipment – just some comfy shoes and it’s free!

Frances Bain, Walking for Health Manager at Paths for All, said: “We are really pleased to be able to support the Walk on Hebrides project to develop Health Walks across the Outer Hebrides. Our Health Walk Network now spans every corner of Scotland, supporting people to get active in an accessible, safe and social way. We look forward to seeing the impact of our funding through success stories from people living in the Outer Hebrides who will benefit from the fantastic work of Walk on Hebrides.”

For further information on ‘Walk on Hebrides', please contact Karen Peteranna, Health Improvement Practitioner, Health Promotion Department, tel. (01851) 762016 or email: karen.peteranna@nhs.net


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