Online virtual recovery meetings re-starting

Virtual drop-in recovery meetings have recently been restarted within the Western Isles and are held via Zoom each Wednesday between 7pm and 8pm.  

Offering support to people at the beginning of their recovery journey from alcohol and other substances as well as gambling, and part of the Recovery Agenda, the Virtual Recovery meetings are also available to those who are progressing further along their recovery pathway.    

NHS Western Isles Community Recovery Officer, Joe Wilson, said: “Everyone is welcome and there is no judgement. Those attending the virtual meetings are also assured that privacy is of the utmost importance. It is your choice as to how private you wish to, be and it is your decision on whether you wish your face or details to be shared to others attending the meetings. We have adopted the principle that ‘what is shared in the meeting, stays in the meeting’.” 

Each week there will be different topics discussed and these will be decided by the group members the previous week. Everyone will be made welcome so please feel free to drop in using the Meeting ID (8704082) and Passcode (sAjdw5). The only condition to attend the meeting is that you are not intoxicated.  

For further information please get in touch with Joe Wilson, Community Recovery Officer, on 07773004229, or email:  


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