Teams: Emergency Planning & Business Continuity

NHS Western Isles has specific duties in relation to emergencies. These are regulated under the Civil Contingencies Act (2004) and additional guidance is provided through the Preparing Scotland documentation.

As part of the duties, NHS Western Isles must:

  • assess the risk of large scale events which could impact upon the local community or the Health Board's ability to provide critical services
  • take action in advance to reduce those risks where possible and mitigate against the negative consequences
  • prepare to respond to those risks by developing arrangements to respond and by training and exercising those arrangements
  • respond to the consequences of an incident in a robust, timely and effective manner
  • develop plans to recover from an incident and to support the community and partners to recover.

Emergency Planning and Business Continuity is a discreet department within the Public Health Division of NHS Western Isles which works closely with all areas of the health board.

The objectives of the department are to provide advice, support and guidance to senior and operational management within the board.

The department also works closely with local and national partners through the local Western Isles Emergency Planning & Coordinating Group (WIEPCG) and the regional Resilience Partnerships, providing health care related input and advice to partners.

Further information in civil contingencies can be found using the links below:

Contact details:

Public Health Division
Tel: 01851 708033